Color Psychology in Home Design

Colors affect the behavior and mood of a person. Because of this, when designing a room, interior designers use color psychology as a tool to influence someone’s mental state.

If you ever wonder why you feel relaxed and peaceful in a neutral-colored room or feel happy and optimistic coming from a bright-colored space, this is because of the shade of hues surrounding the place.

Before deciding on the color for your home design, you must consider the mood you want to set in a particular room. Each color has a different meaning and mental impact.

Colors and Their Associations

Designing a room requires understanding how colors affect a human’s state of mind. Some colors influence particular emotions and create a mood. If you want to decorate your room and set a certain feeling, here are the colors and the emotions they bring out.


Blue is a primary color and a favorite in interior design. It promotes the feeling of being calm and relaxed. Blue is a color that depicts trust, security, loyalty, and wisdom.

Blue is a color perfect for creating a peaceful and serene environment. It is suitable for bedrooms and bathrooms.


Yellow brings out a light and positive aura. This primary color is ideal for a room that will evoke a happy and cheerful environment. This color adds brightness and shine to the dark corners of your room.

Yellow also gives a welcoming vibe, a perfect choice of color for your kitchen, living room, and dining area.

However, being too yellow can cause anxiety. And too flat can mean unwell or envious.


Red is a primary color that has strong characteristics. It represents power, strength, sensuality, and vigor. Because of these attributes, red is best to add as an accent to your room.

Red also stimulates your energy level and influences you to take action. If you want to use red as the dominant color, it is perfect for a workroom and creative studio when designing your home.


Green is the color of nature that denotes balance, restoration, and growth. This color is suitable for any room in your house because of its relaxing vibe.

It also promotes focus, peace, and calm, ideal for the home office, living room, and bedrooms.


Orange is a vibrant color that brings out energy and a fun mood. This color motivates your creativity and boosts productivity. It also gives you a welcoming and warm environment.

Orange is an excellent choice for a room where visitors gather. It is best for the living room and kitchen. Orange and yellow go well together because of their similar characteristics.


A color seldom utilized in interior design. Purple can set off positive emotions. It is also associated with power, wisdom, creativity, luxury, and nobility.

Purple gives a playful and light feeling, perfect for your children’s room. It is also suitable for a bedroom and powder room. It also provides mystery, passion, and sensuality.


White is perfect for a minimalist approach to interior design. This color symbolizes purity, innocence, and cleanliness. White compliments any color because of its versatility. It can make smaller rooms look spacious.

White is suitable for any room in your home, especially in small spaces.


Brown is an earth color that gives a feeling of warmth, comfort, and security. It is a favorite for most of the designers.

This color is best as an accent for your room design. It is also suitable anywhere in your house.


This color signifies power, elegance, and style. You will never go wrong with black, similar to white; it’s a safe color to combine with other hues.

Utilizing this color for your accent in a room will give a luxurious feel. Black will look good on your furniture.

However, using a heavy black can make you feel sad and depressed. If you want to utilize black on your wall, select a lighter shade or pick an area with natural light.

Color Schemes for Your Home Project

Combining colors for your interior design can be both fun and confusing. Whether you’re a professional or an amateur, consulting the color wheel for color combinations will never grow old. Designers, for years, have used color theory for hue reference.

Colors have meanings and trigger specific moods. Selecting suitable colors for each room is significant to bring out positive emotions. Color combinations in your room will help you set the right mood.

Complementary Colors

These are colors opposite each other on the color wheel, such as green and red, yellow and purple, or blue and orange. Together, these hues will give off a powerful statement and an energetic vibe.

These colors complement each other when one is the dominant color. And the other is an accent.

Analogous Colors

These colors sit next to each other in the color wheel. Use three colors with a 60% (dominant color), 30% (supporting hue), and 10% (accent color) rule. Analogous colors are pleasing to the eyes because they bear the same characteristics.

Combine green, blue, and violet for a refreshing effect. And blend yellow, orange, and red for a warm aura. It will surely tap positive emotions to whoever is in the room.

Triadic Colors

These are three colors in a triangular form with equal distance from each other in the color wheel. Together, they create a powerful and energetic vibe.

When applying a triadic color scheme, be careful not to overdo the colors, and always have balance when designing a room. Most designers pick one as the dominant color, while the other hues are accents.

Monochromatic Colors

The monochromatic color scheme utilizes one color but with different shades and tints. If executed correctly, it will give an aesthetic and clean look. But if done wrong, the room will have a dull design.

This color scheme has been part of modern design because of its neat and stylish finish. Minimalist design often uses a monochromatic color scheme.

In conclusion, color psychology is significant when designing your home. Using the right colors in a room will bring out specific emotions. It can also affect our mental state. The colors and the feelings they evoke are essential for a cohesive and harmonious home design.

We hope that we have aided you in selecting the right hues for your home project.